這是一個真正的武士體驗設施,由擁有 6 項吉尼斯世界紀錄的現代武士、以高速飛行的 6 毫米 BB 子彈斬擊而聞名於世的町井功 (Isao Machii) 監修。您可以體驗居合、劍術、體術等各種知識和技巧。
It was the perfect accomplishment of a lifetime dream; to one day train in martial arts in Japan.
it was a real honor to train with master Isao Machii. This was a really fun and sympathic moment, as aside titles, he still is humble and very kind to everyone interested in his art.
This course requires focus; you don't need to be an expert beforehand but you still hold a weapon. It still is very safe and reassuring as he knows how to guide you in doing good. Thank you so much for this very unique moment ! This was one of the best moment I spent in Japan; it will remain as a cherished memory.
If you are interested in Iaido, I recommend applying for this plan.
The amount of 22,000 yen and the short time of 1 hour may not be enough to learn something new.
However, through the guidance of a great teacher, you can learn the correct posture and how to handle the katana. The biggest advantage is that even beginners can easily learn the postures because teacher is explained more easily. Another advantage is that you can easily communicate and learn with the kind guidance of the teachers.
If you are interested in Iaido, I highly recommend applying for this plan.
非常感谢你们的到来。 欢迎您再次光临大阪。 我们期待再次见到您。
投保詳情 | 相井日生同和財產保險株式會社 Tough Biz 綜合保險 1 億日元 |
在籍員工數 | 2人 |
教練、指導員數 | 2人 |
安全保障 | 準確的指導可以防止您受傷,但我們有各種保險,因此請放心,在緊急情況下您可以得到堅實的支持。 |
營業時間 | 10:00-19:00(需預約,最終接待時間為當天18:00,如有變更,恕不另行通知) |
休息日 | 星期四 |
Thank you very much for your high evaluation. Your evaluation is our encouragement.