KANTO: Where Your Sightseeing Dreams Come True!
KANTO offers a chunk of Edo appeal with a slice of modern delight! Explore the fantastic landscapes of Ibaraki and the brimming history across sights in Niko. Summer in Kanto region should be on your radar because of the picturesque scenes and the compilation of fun watersports!
東京的天際線在夜晚尤其奇妙,當建築物同步成各種誘人的燈光圖案,在周圍河流的反射上產生漣漪。享受日落美景。 Yakatabune cruising restaurant Ride a,一種不僅僅需要風景的體驗。 rickshaw 走進東京的超現代街道,穿越江戶神社和寺廟。更好的是,保持健康 cycling tours 橫跨千葉、水道之城、東京皇居等名勝古蹟!
埼玉是隱藏在微妙山脈中的令人耳目一新的賽道的所在地,您可以品嚐匆忙,用一種滿足您對速度的渴望 go-karting 跨越千葉、神奈川和櫪木的冒險之旅。 bus tour 應該包括富士山。它提供了大涌谷、蘆神湖和箱根山脈的絕佳全景。無盡的其他 trekking 和 guided sightseeing 旅行,例如私人成田機場之旅,等待!
如果水上運動是您的激情所在,那麼關東有很多事情要做!像您一樣在摩天大樓的基底上划船 SUP 在橫濱美麗的城市周圍,或探索千葉和神奈川的原始地點!繼續 diving 在伊豆島外冒險,在有趣的海床上與過著最美好生活的海龜親密接觸。 rafting 在群馬和埼玉,橫跨湍急的河流。
對於另一項快節奏和風景優美的運動,請擁抱 windsurfing 在神奈川縣和千葉縣。在大自然母親的完美遊樂場中奔跑時,乘風吹拂美麗大海的海浪!與適合家庭的人一起享受美好而緩慢的時光 Canoeing 隅田川、東京晴空塔等景點增加!還可以出海 fishing 在關東陽光明媚的環境中,釣到獨特的魚,如鯉魚和鰤魚,僅舉幾例。
你是一個擁有偉大文化和傳統的人嗎?走在江戶時代的記憶小道上,在關東的許多傳統體驗帶你回到封建日本。 Rent a full-fledged Kimono 品嚐數百年的釀造歷史,配上髮飾甚至標誌性的雨傘,享受花園漫步或與美麗的古老寺廟和神社相伴。 Japanese whiskey tasting tours 並深入馬厩 watching sumo practice in Tokyo , one of the most popular kinds of ancient martial arts!
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Are you looking for that something extra to get your heart beating faster? A hot air balloon ride over Tochigi is a daring and romantic affair. Get the excitement pumping in your veins rafting in Kanto Rivers, and racing across city streets on a Go-kart! Paragliding offers just as much fun and heart-throbbing moments to have you on the edge of your seat!


Who needs cars when you can go horse riding in the bewitching green havens of Kanto? You can also enjoy hot springs and mountain strolls through hiking, and even MTB biking in a forest if you desire. Canyoning in Gunma ensures lifelong memories of mountain barbecues, river rafting, and the best time ever riding waterfalls!

A helicopter tour of Mt Fuji is the kind of stuff that makes dreams! Houseboat cruising trips promise just as much pleasure for the eyes, while sightseeing tours in Kanto ensure delight for the body through hot spring adventures. On the other hand, an Asakusa rickshaw takes you back to the classic sights of Edo shrines, streets, and temples!

Most Popular Activities
Kayaking Adventure in the Majestic Nature of Lake Ashi
Enjoy the Scenery of Yokohama City on a SUP

Segway Tour Around the Scenic Nature of Hakone
Packraft Through the Breathtaking Nature at Lake Shima

Surfing Experience in Kanagawa

Beginner-Friendly Boat Fishing Experience in Chiba

Rickshaw Tour Around Kamakura's Tourist Attractions

Experience Indoor Bouldering in Saitama

Hakone Mountain Bike Cruising Tour

Watch the Spectacular Views of Tsuchiura While Paragliding

Beginner-Friendly Wakeboarding Experience in Chiba
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