- 6歲~100歲
- 2〜3小時
- 10:00 / 13:00
何不在富良野的壯麗景色中漫步雪地呢?在沒有腳印的新雪白色地面上親身體驗大自然的力量! !雪鞋是穿在鞋下用於在雪上行走的裝置。何不漫步在白雪覆蓋的森林中,在天然滑梯上玩耍,潛入蓬鬆的雪中,在雪地上自由漫步呢?有了雪鞋,您就可以輕鬆地在難以行走的雪地上行走。運氣好的話,說不定還能看到梅花鹿、赤狐、兔子等野生動物呢! Lulu Lulu♪♪一起享受冬天的北海道吧♪有會說英語的工作人員!可以使用的語言:日語、英語、繁體中文、簡體中文、韓語、泰語,可以使用翻譯應用程式進行交流。
Our guide, Amori, was funny and very positive, and despite him thinking he doesn't take good photos, he took wonderful shots! Our only complain is the pick-up time. They mixed us up with another activity and asked us to start waiting an hour earlier, which we did. They were 20 minutes late, just to realize it's for the wrong activity, so we had to wait another 40 minutes. When we reached the site, we waited for another 30 mins before starting. Also, the small snowshoes are easier to use than the bigger ones (one of us switched with Aamori halfway through).