- 13歲~65歲
你可以通過加工金屬板來製作一個完整的手鐲。 你可以在當天把它拿出來。 *費用取決於手鐲的厚度 罰款:3456日元 中:3996日元 厚:4536日元 *不能進行雕刻等特殊處理
- 13歲~65歲
・丈夫で長く愛用できるSV950のシルバーリングを手作りで作成する体験です ・作品は当日お持ち帰りいただけます。プレゼントやペアリング、お友達同士のおそろいのリングなどにおすすめ ・心斎橋駅から徒歩約3分。道頓堀グリコ徒歩圏内で大阪観光の記念にもおすすめ ・体験終了後にはドライフラワー満載の店内での写真撮影も楽しめます ・スタッフが丁寧にリング作成をサポートしますので、初心者の方も安心してご参加ください
- 13歲~65歲
這是一種從數十種仙人掌中選擇3種仙人掌並種植它的體驗。 成品的是那些的日 ,你可以帶回家。 ※您可以添加仙人掌作為一個選項。 (540 日元 /本)
- 16歲~90歲
多次出現在各種媒體!這是一個真正的武士文化體驗設施,由世界第一居合術大師町井勳 (Isao Machii) 監修,町井勳以將高速飛行的 6mm BB 子彈變成居合刀而聞名。您不僅可以嘗試用日本刀切割,還可以了解刀的結構以及如何正確使用它,以及有關武士和日本刀的豐富知識。不要錯過這個體驗正宗武士文化的機會,在這裡您可以擺脫對傳播到世界各地的武士文化和刀劍的誤解。由 Shushin-ryu Iaijutsu 武術持有者進行指導。
It was the perfect accomplishment of a lifetime dream; to one day train in martial arts in Japan. it was a real honor to train with master Isao Machii. This was a really fun and sympathic moment, as aside titles, he still is humble and very kind to everyone interested in his art. This course requires focus; you don't need to be an expert beforehand but you still hold a weapon. It still is very safe and reassuring as he knows how to guide you in doing good. Thank you so much for this very unique moment ! This was one of the best moment I spent in Japan; it will remain as a cherished memory.
- 6歲~75歲
The staff was very friendly and were genuinely passionate about helping us learn. They were cheering on us and really did their best so that we could have the best experience! The space was beautiful, and we were meticulously cared for. Left the experience excited to tell my friends about it!
- 6歲~100歲
我們將在早晚餐和睡前參觀奧之院墓地的“Kobo Daishi aka Kukai”。會說英語的持牌導遊帶您愉快地遊覽。您將看到一個與白天完全不同的神秘奧之院。